A Friend Told Me …

Joan Tan
4 min readJun 4, 2022

1. Most people are lavish with style without substance. Good engineers don’t wear ties.

2. There should be no fear in the freedom of speech. Perfect freedom cast out fear.

3. There are children dying of starvation, and all we think is our own selfish disposition? Every minutes, two children dies from hunger in this planet. we can do our part, lest we start from our thoughts, our actions shall proceed. How may the destitute be fed when the fed is feasting on their fast? Give a thought to the needy around you, indubitably, your lover is already well-taken care of.

4. Your mind is a powerful instrument, it does not merely stop at shaping your being, it shapes your environment too.

5. Can we not post the words of entertainers? What do entertainers know? If pretending all their lives for millions of dollars is not shameless shame, I don’t know what is. Unfortunately, the common fool is willing to make him rich, and hence, it’s money that amplifies his noise, not the height of his intellect. Truly, there is nothing much you can learn from an entertainer. If there is, how empty and intellectually poverty one can be in to even obtain any lesson.

6. Why talk about love when you have no heart? Why talk about heart if you have no soul? Why speak about soul when you have no God?

7. Passion has a plenary of energy to create reality out of chimera. How do you think the Wright Brothers soar the skies?

8. You mean the DNA is an accident or God’s signature on them? Is it a miracle?

9. War should start within ourselves to crucify defiled thoughts, words and deeds. God wants us to be perfect, He has shown us His Son, and proven that in His human form, it is possible to be immaculate, it is possible to be perfect, it is possible to claim our godliness. His breath is within us, His Will animate our spirits. Start within ourselves and pass the light around. Jesus has called us to let go of mundane, pick up the Cross and follow Him. He has called, will you follow?

10. $$$ Prosperity Gospel $$$ will rob Christians of their salvation. Over focusing on singing and dancing in hymns and praises will lull Christianity into vacuous inaction.

11. “It’s time for the kingdom of God”, “It’s time to claim to reign” — vacuous empty talk that leads to nothing. People have been making riches with silly statements like these for centuries and they lack no fools giving them the money. It’s time to get a decent education and stop getting cheated on “feel-good sessions”.

12. The service and proof of faith can only be significant to God if it is in the service and sacrifice for those in need, otherwise it is no more than $$$ Prosperity Gospel $$$. God is not interested in your personal life or your jobs, but what you can grow inwards and become in the service of others.

The fiat currency bubble implosion
1. Our savings in the past is shrunk to nothingness as inflation is a hidden tax to the national debt on the money. Yet so few understand the Ponzi scheme of monetary policy of money supply increment. The same as treasury bills, bonds, compulsory savings as a means of government borrowing. And when the money supply increased later, the dollar shrunk, which means the debtor pays the same dollars at a lower value.

Jesus the CEO or CEO the false prophet
1. Lucifer’s beauty can seduce mortals’ infirmities, he will offer provisions for glittering pleasures and mirage to a false Zionic Canaan. The bible has been misuse as a weaponry to wield power and riches. Hitler took the world with it; MLM ingratiated and beguiled populace with it; even the devil can cite (make citations) the scriptures to tempt Christ, inasmuch he can stage a second coming.

2. I have nothing against MLM. I am against fraudulent misinformation and scams.

Excerpts from J. Krishnamurti

1. If you want to discover whether what i say is true, you must judge impersonally, that is, put aside your personal likes and dislikes, your personal beliefs, because you are trying to seek the understanding of the significance of the whole life, not merely of your particular individual life.

2. Life is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it from any point of view, by any path whatever. Please do not agree or disagree, but examine this statement sanely, rationally. If you think it is wrong, leave it alone and go your own sweet way. There is no question of tolerance or intolerance, but understanding. Truth, if I may have a crude view, is like a vulture that awaits a dying animal: it has infinite patience. If you think it is right, then live by it, because that alone has value and not what you profess with your lips.

3. Man is selfishly individualistic, competent in his desire for brutal achievement, seeking his own selfish gains, accumulating possessions and wielding tyrannous power, all of which create utter chaos.

4.By bringing about order, there will be work, bread and opportunity for all, but without this true conception of the individual there will be always chaos in this world.

5. He must realize towards what life is working, the purpose of life; other wise, experience and learning has no meaning, creation has no meaning, perfection has no meaning, uniqueness has no meaning.

